contoh kalimat austrian school
- The Austrian School responded to Marxian economics by viewing entrepreneurship as driving force of economic development.
Mazhab Austria menanggapi ekonomi Marxis dengan melihat kewirausahaan sebagai kekuatan pendorong pembangunan ekonomi. - "Economic Calculation In The Socialist Commonwealth" is an article by Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises.
"Economic Calculation In The Socialist Commonwealth" adalah artikel karya ekonom Mazhab Austria, Ludwig von Mises. - The Austrian School is a heterodox school of economic thought that is based on methodological individualism—the concept that social phenomena result from the motivations and actions of individuals.
Mazhab Austria adalah mazhab ekonomi yang didasarkan pada konsep individualisme metodologis, artinya fenomena sosial tercipta berkat motivasi dan tindakan seseorang. - American School (economics) Austrian School Crowding out Dirigisme Indicative planning Keynesian economics Fiscal policy Mixed economy Monetary policy Rent-seeking Karagiannis, Nikolaos (2001).
Mazhab Amerika (ekonomi) Mazhab Austria Crowding out Dirigisme Perencanaan indikatif Ekonomi Keynes Kebijakan fiskal Ekonomi campuran Kebijakan moneter Rent-seeking Alasan intervensi ^ Ellen Frankel, Paul (1980). - For more detail on specific systems of thought relevant to debate on this fiscal policy see Keynesian economics, Monetarism, the Austrian School, New classical macroeconomics, Real business-cycle theory, and New Keynesian economics.
Untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang sistem tertentu yang dianggap relevan untuk diperdebatkan tentang kebijakan fiskal lihat ekonomi Keynesian, monetarisme, Austrianisme, ekonomi Klasik Baru, teori siklus bisnis nyata, dan ekonomi Keynesian Baru. - Among the theoretical contributions of the early years of the Austrian School are the subjective theory of value, marginalism in price theory and the formulation of the economic calculation problem, each of which has become an accepted part of mainstream economics.
Kontribusi teori Mazhab Austria meliputi teori nilai subjektif, marginalisme dalam teori harga, dan perumusan masalah perhitungan ekonomi, masing-masing sudah diterima sebagai bagian dari ekonomi arus utama. - In 2009, historian Thomas Woods, an adherent to the Austrian school of economics, published the book Meltdown, which places blame for the crisis on government intervention and points to the Federal Reserve as the primary culprit behind the financial calamity.
Pada tahun 2009 ekonom historian dari aliran Austria Thomas Woods mempublikasikan buku, Meltdown, yang menempatkan kesalahan atas krisis pada intervensi pemerintah, dan menyalahkan Federal Reserve sebagai penyebab utama di balik bencana keuangan. - Liquidationism is the heterodox Austrian school belief in economics that no actions to mitigate the effects of recessions should be taken by the government or the central bank, but, rather, that the "temporary pain" of companies being liquidated, on account of crises, is a solution in itself.
Istilah likuidasionisme dalam ilmu ekonomi mengacu pada kepercayaan mazhab Austria bahwa pemerintah atau bank sentral tidak perlu mengambil tindakan untuk membendung dampak resesi karena "rasa sakit sementara" yang dirasakan perusahaan saat dilikuidasi merupakan solusi krisis. - Joseph Schumpeter, an economist associated with both the Austrian school and the Institutional school of economics, argued that the changing nature of economic activity (specifically the increasing bureaucratization and specialization required in production and management) was the major cause for capitalism eventually evolving into socialism.
Joseph Schumpeter, ekonom yang berkaitan dengan sekolah Austria dan sekolah institusional ekonomi, menyatakan bahwa perubahan alami aktivitas ekonomi - khususnya peningkatan birokratisasi dan spesialisasi yang dibutuhkan dalam produksi dan manajemen - merupakan alasan utama kenapa kapitalisme pada akhirnya akan berkembang menjadi sosialisme.